At Sober in the Country, we’re achieving radical social change, reducing isolation and increasing support and connection for rural Australians affected by alcohol harm.
We’re advocating nationally for change and creating daily social impact by calling on more than a decade of lived experience. We’re educating our rural communities that lives are changed and saved when our mates know it’s always #OK2SAYNO to alcohol.

Since our inception in 2015, we’ve grown a lot. We started out as one woman – Shanna Whan (AM) –  blogging on a laptop and have grown to become a national charity with significant impact that is widely respected as rural and remote Australia’s trusted lived-experience experts in alcohol harm.

We are passionate about amplifying the stories of those impacted by alcohol misuse or dependence, using that lived-experience and a grassroots, boots-on-the-ground perspective to discuss the reality of our alcohol culture, the harm it can cause, and how, collectively, we can all be part of changing the narrative about booze in the bush.

Our charity functions primarily through advocacy and awareness (especially via our social media and speaking gigs) along with peer-to-peer support via our Bush Tribe online support network. And we connect rural and remote people with leading organisations who can provide further support than we can.

It's essential that newcomers to Sober in the Country understand that we aren’t a program, counselling, or service provider, but you can find those we recommend here.

Choose from the buttons below to find out more about our charity, our values, our team and how we’re changing the narrative around booze in the bush and bringing more support to our rural mates.