Our vision

A future where every single one of our rural and remote mates – from farmers to FIFO workers – always know it’s #OK2SAYNO to booze.

Our mission

We’re creating radical social change that's saving the lives of rural and remote Australians affected by alcohol harm.

We’re breaking down barriers and creating a world where our rural mates who are looking to cut out or cut down booze don’t have to go it alone via:

  • our advocacy
  • our straight talk
  • sharing our lived-experience expertise
  • partnering with leading Alcohol and Drug (AOD) organisations
  • sharing the stories of those choosing a life with less or no booze, and
  • our online peer-support group: the Bush Tribe.


Our values

We know that when our mates who choose not to drink are included, catered for and supported, everything quickly changes.
If you can safely have a drink in moderation, then you do you. But if your mate says “no thanks” or “not today”, then we are asking that you support that decision and not question it. We encourage you to always ensure you are including your non-drinking mates, too.

Our brand of honest and open “straight talk” is taking on the silent pandemic of alcohol harm in the country front-on, without beating around the bush.
At Sober in the Country, we’re all rural and remote people with lived experience of alcohol harm (or with a loved one suffering alcohol harm). We don’t claim to have all the answers, but we always speak and seek the truth with no judgement and no fluff … which is why our message is resonating with people all around Australia.

We believe we’re stronger together. And we believe that healing happens in community, not in isolation.

Our Bush Tribe (online peer support group) has proven again and again the value of not going it alone. When advocating for our rural peers, our game plan has always been to collaborate with like-minded individuals and person-centred organisations in the alcohol and drug space, because we believe that, collectively, massive change is possible.

We’ve been conditioned to think life without alcohol is somehow ‘less than’ or a loss, but we know the opposite to be true: life without booze is actually amazing.

We are daily witnesses to endless stories of bush lives being saved and changed, families restored, and health and relationships repaired. We embrace the joy of missing out on alcohol (JOMO). And, by sharing stories of recovery and the positive impact on real Aussies just like you of kicking or cutting back on the booze, we’re inspiring our rural mates to change or save their own lives.